Reading and Writing Connections

Reading and Instructional Strategies

Journey North’s Reading and Writing Connections utilize research-based instructional strategies to help students develop essential skills as they delve deeply into their understanding of the world through texts with real people, events, and issues. The lessons that accompany reading selections incorporate engaging experiences that foster deep levels of understanding.

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Instructional Strategies
Instructional Strategies

What are Instructional Strategies?
Instructional strategies are methods that educators use to help students engage in learning. Best Practice Strategies provide for optimal engagement that develops enduring learning. Journey North’s lessons and activities provide teachers with a wealth of resources that engage students in real world investigations that integrate core instructional skills.

What are Reading Strategies?
Reading strategies are specific actions readers take to make meaning from text. Reading is like a conversation between an author and a reader. Authors make decisions about how to effectively communicate through a piece of writing. Readers use specific strategies to help them understand what authors are trying to communicate.

Best Practice Instruction of Reading Strategies
Informational texts permeate our everyday lives. To become reflective readers and writers, students need extensive and intensive experience with engaging, high-interest selections. Strategies need to be modeled through many examples. Students need guided practice with authentic reading materials as they are learning how to use each strategy. They also need opportunities for independent application of the strategies.