Fact or Fiction?

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40 Best-practices
Instructional Strategies
Procedures: Read an informational article. Underline fact sentences. Create a “Fact or Fiction” worksheet for students to solve. Write fact and fiction statements using the information in the text. Students identify which statements are true and which statements are false.

Examples: Generalization statements are ideal for “Fact or Fiction” activities: “All birds migrate.” “No one wants drilling in the Alaskan wilderness.” Opinion statements are also excellent sentences to include: “Caribou feet are beautifully designed for the tundra.” “Robins are welcomed backyard guests.”

Variations: Possible titles for this idea include: True or False, Facts or Opinions, What’s the Real Deal? When applicable, invite students to provide “Evidence Statements” that prove or disprove the statements listed on the worksheet.

Reading Strategies: Identify Main Ideas and Support Details, Summarize Information, Paraphrase Ideas, Synthesize Information, Make Generalizations, Build Vocabulary, Draw Conclusions, Activate Prior Knowledge