Anticipation Guide

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Background: An anticipation guide is a pre-reading strategy. The guide contains a series of true/false statements and/or focus questions that preview an upcoming text.

Procedures: Preview a selection for main ideas, essential details, vocabulary words, and themes. Create an anticipation guide for students by writing true/false statements and essential questions. Have students read and respond to the statements and questions prior to reading the selection. Revisit the anticipation guide after reading to confirm or revise predictions, answer questions, and clarify ideas.

Example: An anticipation guide for a selection that describes an animal’s migratory route could include: true/false statements and questions about the places on the route, the timelines, dangers along the way, and purposes for the migration. (See Reading and Writing Connection lessons for specific examples of anticipation guides.)

1. Create an anticipation guide that simply lists key words and phrases.
2. Use a concept map as an anticipation guide. Include the main ideas or themes of the selection as headings for the concept map. Students write background knowledge details and pre-reading predictions and questions on the map. During and after reading, students add details from the text to the concept map.
3. Include photographs, illustrations, maps, charts, or other visual presentations on an anticipation guide. Students use details in the visual presentations to make predictions and ask questions.

Reading Strategies: Activate Prior Knowledge, Build Vocabulary, Set a Purpose for Reading, Make Predictions, Ask Questions, Identify Main Ideas and Details