Assessment Strategies
and Tools


Seasonal Change, Sunlight, Migrations
(Rubric to apply to interviews, discussions, or long-term observation notes)

Got It!

  • Can thoroughly and accurately discuss the reasons for seasons including length of day and tilt of Earth's axis. Can explain the relationship between photoperiod, seasonal change, plant growth, and animal migration.
  • Gives many examples of light-driven seasonal changes.
  • Can explain how food supply factors in to this equation; gives specific examples.

Getting Close

  • Can partially discuss the reasons for seasons. Can discuss the relationship between photoperiod, seasonal change, plant growth, and animal migration with reasonable accuracy.
  • Gives many examples of light-driven seasonal changes.
  • Can generally relate food supply to migration question, but may not tie it into photoperiod.


  • Shows some ability to discuss what causes seasons, but tends to focus on weather rather than daylight and to assume that migrations are driven by weather conditions.
  • Gives a few examples of light-driven seasonal changes.
  • Limited discussion of food supply.

Limited Grasp

  • Limited evidence of understanding of what causes seasons or of the relationship between photoperiod, seasonal change, and animal migration.