HY2004 Chicks Begin Training at Patuxent WRC

WCEP #403 at 0 days.
Photo: K. O'Malley.
WCEP #403 at 4 days in the chick run. A puppet called "robo-crane" helps teach the chick.
Photo: K. O'Malley.
WCEP #402 at 0 days
Photo K. O'Malley.
WCEP #402 at 8 days- first training.
Photo: K. O'Malley.
Little chick marches in step with trainer Dan Sprague and robo-crane. Meet Robo-crane!
Photo: HRay
#402 Dan Sprague taxis around the outside of the pen and "robo-crane" drops mealworms to encourage chick to follow, safely INSIDE the pen.
Photo: HRay
The aluminum addition to the propeller guard is in place during the early training just in case the chicks climb the fence. It prevents chicks from entering the propeller.
Photo: HRay
After several turns around the pen, the young chicks are led back to their chick runs. They are never picked up, but coaxed back by the trainer using "robo-crane."
Chick 402. Swimming is done in 20-minute sessions to help prevent hock rotation to the chick's quickly developing legs.
Photo: HRay
Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).