Monarch Butterfly  Migration

Hello ILLINOIS! (+36.9 Miles)
October 24, 2006: Migration Day 20

Photo Heather Ray

Good to Go Two in a Row
On cold, calm air, 18 flying crane-kids crossed the state line into Winnebago County, ILLINOIS! Brooke tells the exciting tale:

"I landed on the hillside next to the pen. Richard and Joe landed somewhere else and we let the wings thaw in the sun for 20 minutes. This added a great deal of stress because I had to stand next to the trike looking wimpy while Bev, Marie, and Laurie, along with 18 anxious birds, glared at me wondering why I was waiting so long to launch. Off the hill we went and down into the valley below. As we turned up the valley, 12 of the birds, free of their confinement and anxious to make up for yesterday, formed up on the wing. The others were picked up by Richard and Joe: each took three. All three trikes and 18 birds landed within minutes of each other. The sight of those birds strutting their stuff at the end of the runway put big smiles on our costumed faces. Now THIS is what migration is supposed to be like!"


In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: It was Chris's turn to lead today, but engine trouble kept him and his plane grounded. How do you think he felt? When have your plans changed unexpectedly and you couldn't do something that was important to you?
  • Migration Math: With the addition of today's miles, how many total mile has the migration traveled? Figure the average distance per day and compare with your answer from Day 12. Why the difference?
  • Record-Keeping: A record was broken today! In six years, this is the shortest-ever stay in Green County, Wisconsin. Have they escaped the Green County Curse? Update your charts with today's good news.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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