Help the Whoopers and Ultralights Reach Florida!

Each of the approximately 1225 miles from Wisconsin to Florida costs about $206.00. You can sponsor a mile, half-mile, or a quarter mile. . .but you can help in other ways, too! ANY amount of money helps Operation Migration get the cranes to Florida. For example:

• $9.00 buys a bag of Crane Chow. (The migration uses about 10 bags, but more will be needed if many delays occur.)
• $32.00 buys 5,000 mealworms for treats and rewards.

• $30.00 fills the fuel tank of one ultralight (10 gallons), buying about 3 hours of flight time.

How to contribute:
1. Call toll free for a credit card donation: 800-675-2618

2. Mail a check to Operation Migration in the US or Canada:

Operation Migration
1623 Military Rd., #639
Niagara Falls, NY, 14304-1745
Operation Migration
174 Mary St., Suite 3
Port Perry, ON Canada L9L 1B7

3. Donate online. Visit Operation Migration's Website .

New in 2007! Change4Cranes



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).