Wild Weather Warnings (+ 0 Miles)
January 6, 2009: Migration Day 71

"The pen will get extra attention today to make sure it is as secure as it can possibly be, and we will be 'battening down the hatches' on our RVs in anticipation of the high winds projected to develop by mid afternoon." Liz at O.M.'s camp.
Photo Heather Ray, Operation Migration

The storm systems that have kept the birds and team in Chilton County, Alabama, keep churning up trouble. They can't fly in the face of today's forecast: Unusually warm temps (61F at 6AM) and severe thunderstorms, potentially damaging winds, and the possibility of isolated tornados forecast as the day progresses. How different from the day they arrived, Dec. 30, when pilot Chris wrote: "With the birds securely in the pen, Brooke and I hopped back in our trikes and flew back to land in our host’s yard where we tied the trikes down and installed the frost covers on the wings."

In the Classroom:

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) How far has the team traveled so far? Here's a handy chart you can fill in. Tip: To quickly see the mileage on the fly days, go to our News page. Fly days are boldface. Click on the hotlink to see the mileage. Fill in your chart and discuss the questions at the bottom.
  • (b-for-bonus) The pilots made their own wing covers with 30 yards of material and 60 feet of Velcro for each aircraft. Why do you think the pilots put frost covers on the wings in cold weather? Write your prediction, then see photos and learn more. >>

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).