Narrow Escape but Still Down (+ 0 Miles)
Whew! Yesterday's wild weather tamed down and the temperature cooled off. Still, it's windy on the ground and windier aloft. "It could be at least one more day before we will be able to make our escape from Chilton County, Alabama," reports Liz. Yesterday Chilton County was on the "Tornado Watch" list and it was mighty windy in the team's camp. A neighbor up the road invited the team to his basement, but what about the birds? If a tornado were imminent the team had two choices: (1) release the birds to fend for themselves, or (2) leave them inside a pen that could collapse and trap them all in the wild storm. We are glad they didn't have to make that choice!
North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in
cooperation with the Whooping
Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). |