the Air Again! (+19
October 21, 2008: Migration Day 5
At 7:43 John and Bev threw open the gates as today's lead Pilot Chris
swooped low past the pen. All 14 birds took off after Chris as Swamp
Monster (it's Heather's turn) chased out the lagging #830. After
a flurry of confusion in the air, ten birds lined up by Brooke's
wing to head south. The other pilots were left to round up and lead
the remaining four. All fourteen birds flew the distance, and
tonight's roost is Stopover
#2 (south Juneau County, WI).
the Classroom
Journal Questions:
How many miles of the approximately 1285-mile migration
have they flown so far? (REMEMBER what you
learned in yesterday's journal question: migration
flights of over 200 miles in one day are likely
as they gain more endurance and get good weather
first wild whooper in the natural (Western) flock reached
the wintering grounds in Texas on October 20 — just
4 days after the average first-arrival date of October
16. A cold front with north winds that reached Aransas
NWR on October 17 likely helped the crane complete the
2,400-mile migration from Canada. Re-read the previous
sentence to answer: What two weather clues will
also mean good migration conditions
the14 ultralight-led cranes just starting migration?
Keeping: On
your printout of the migration comparison
chart make a tally mark to record another fly day. Go
North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in
cooperation with the Whooping
Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).