Wa-HOO! Flying Again! (+ 26 Miles )
October 28, 2008: Migration Day 12

Can you count 14 cranes?
Photo Heather Ray, Operation Migration

Wa-HOO! All 14 birds launched at 7:49 a.m. behind Brooke's plane! Pilot Richard swooped in to lead the bird that soon dropped away, and all 14 landed about 8:33 a.m. Where are they now? Stopover #3 in Sauk County, Wisconsin. The ground crew will scope out the next and final stop in Wisconsin (Green County) to be sure everything is ready. Will they arrive there tomorrow? Weather looks promising, and the public is invited to watch the cranes on their way!

Operation Migration provides the details on how to get to the Ferry Bluff viewing site for tomorrow's (hoped for) flyover: Click here.

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) It was a chilly 22 degrees F. this morning. What do you think it's like for the pilots to be in their tiny, open airplanes when they get at even higher, colder altitudes? How do you think they prepare for the cold?
    (b-for-bonus) Why do you thik the pilots want cold, clear air on migration days? Write your thoughts, then listen to Joe discuss it in our short audio clip. >>
  • Migration Math: The cranes flew a distance of about 26 miles today. Look in today's report to calculate the time it took. How many miles per hour did they fly?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).