Hello, ILLINOIS! (+ 34 Miles )
November 10, 2008: Migration Day 25

Click for Departure Video!
Video Heather Ray, Operation Migration

Wa-HOO! What an exciting Monday! Eager to fly, all 14 young cranes took off behind lead pilot Joe Duff. He soon had seven on each wing before they eventually broke off and flew with some of the chase planes. Chris, Charlie and Richard left for LaSalle County to set up the travel pen at Stopover #6. John, Walter and Heather broke camp and are driving the other vehicles south to Stopover #6. Imagine how happy they must be to make progress at last! We can all celebrate the journey south reaching Illinois today, and 129 miles gone of the 1285-mile total.

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) As you watch the video (click on photo above), why does the trike wait? Why do you think "Swamp Monster" appears at the end? What's your favorite part?
  • (b-for-bonus) Why do you hear another plane approach at the end of the video clip? Why do the chase planes wait to take off until the lead pilot and the birds are airborne? Try to think of two reasons.

Discussion of questions

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).