No Going Against the Wind (+ 0 Miles )
November 13, 2008: Migration Day 28

A New Route begins in Illinois. Hear Joe's audio clip >>
Audio Mark Chenoweth, Whooper Happenings
Photo Operation Migration

Just minutes before 6:44 a.m. (exactly sunrise in Winnebago County, IL) the team knew they would not fly today. Headwinds blew on the ground and even stronger aloft.

But here's something exciting! You will soon be joining the team for some "firsts." The route changes this year for the first time, and the changes begin in this state.The migration route flown from 2001-2007 had just a few stopovers in Illinois. This year's new route has SIX stopovers in Illinois. See today's Journal Questions (and coming reports) to learn more.

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) Hear team leader Joe Duff talk about why they changed the route for the first time since they began in 2001. Listen again, and then list the two main ideas Joe talks about. (Thank you for the audio, Mark Chenoweth of Whooper Happenings.)
  • (b-for-bonus) What does Joe mean when he says the work they're doing is an example of conservation efforts that does more than save the Whooping cranes?


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).