Help the Whoopers and Ultralights Reach Florida!

Teachers! Students!
Get your FREE Change4Cranes kit and a chance to help the cranes by collecting spare coins. Kits include:

  • pop-up cardboard coin collection box

  • peel and stick decorations

  • creative ideas for filling the coin box.




Send your change to help the cranes!


Get your Change4Cranes kit:

• Email your name, school name and grade, and postal mailing address to:

Or, phone Chris in the O.M. office toll free at 1-800-675-2618.

Operation Migration has fewer than 100 kits to send out, so order your kit today. Those who have Change4Crane kits from previous years are encouraged to recycle your kits; or, design and make your own from any recycled container. Please send funds raised directly to Operation Migration (not to Journey North) at one of the two addresses below.

Canada: United States:
Operation Migration Inc.,
174 Mary St. Suite 3,
Port Perry, ON., L9L 1B7
Operation Migration - USA,
1623 Military Rd., PMB# 639
Niagara Falls, NY 14304-1745.

Thanks for returning your proceeds by January 31, 2010. Celebrate the part you played in supporting conservation of endangered species and habitat!

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).