Available November 1, 2009! Free!


Operation Migration believes young people are their most important audience: It is with the next generation that lies the hope for all the earth’s creatures – including humankind.

That's why they are offering complimentary copies of their new Whooping Crane Activity Book. Orders are limited to 30 booklets per order and a maximum of 300 per school in order to accommodate as many classes/schools as possible. A shipping/handling fee of $10 is due when you place your order.)

Call toll free 1-800-675-2618, or click here. You will need to provide the following information to order:

- Teacher/Educator’s name and email address
- Name of school and street and shipping address
- Contact telephone number
- Grade level and number of students in class

Individuals may also purchase copies of the Whooping Crane Activity Book via OM’s merchandise page at a cost of $3.00 each (not including shipping).



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).