Who Goes Where? Class of 2009

This is how the Operation Migration team divided the Class of 2009 for two wintering areas: the original winter home at Florida's Chassahowitzka NWR and a second home at Florida's St. Marks NWR. This list MAY change slightly, but corrections will be made.

906 (M)
901 (F)
908 (F)
903 (M)
910 (M)
904 (F)
911 (M)
905 (F)
912 (M)
907 (F)
914 (F)
913 (M)
915 (F)
919 (M)
918 (M)
924 (M)
925 (F)
927 (M)
926 (F)
929 (M)

These birds are siblings: 903 and 905*; 906 and 908*; 915* and 929; 912, 913, 924 and 925*

Try This: Journal or Discussion Question
  • What do you notice when you look at the birds' name-numbers? Their gender? What other factors would be important in dividing the birds? How important are amount of crating experience, siblings, previous health issues, physical size? What other factors can you think of?

Why and how is the flock divided before going to two winter homes?