No Go. Tried and Turned Back (+0 Miles)
January 3, 2010: Migration Day 72

Photo Heather Ray, Operation Migration


Franklin County Alabama has a grip on our cranes and planes. Brooke, today's lead pilot, launched at 7 a.m. with all 20 birds. But just like their last attempt, they needed to climb through bumpy air to reach smoother air above. And just like last time, this became the deal-breaker. They tried and tried, but a half hour after take-off some birds were lagging. The pilots discussed breaking up the birds onto more than one trike. But after the trikes had been airborne for more than an hour, and the birds for 42 minutes, they ended the rodeo and turned back. All but one of the crane-kids were back at the pen at 8:22 for another day in Franklin County. Crane 927 got too tired and went down during the tiring events. The pilots radioed the latitude/longitude to the tracking van so Bev and Barb could crate the dropout and drive it back to the pen. If only the wind would give them a break. Tomorrow could be the day, so please check back — and keep your fingers crossed.


In the Classroom

  • Today is Sunday, your day off.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).