Go. Still Stuck (+0
Natural (Western) Flock Update: From Nebraska, Martha Tacha (USFWS) reports the exciting news: Mid week, at least 82 whoopers were counted among 3 stopover sites that included Salt Plains in Northern OK, Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira NWR. Are any of the flock's 247 Whooping cranes still in Canada? Martha could not be sure, but noted 2 confirmed sightings in ND five days ago, and 2 cranes in central Nebraska as of yesterday. Meanwhile, biologist Tom Stehn (USFWS) flew over at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, the Western flock's wintering grounds in Texas, where he counted 91 arrivals (87 adults, 4 young). "With this next cold front coming thtrough today and tomorrow, I expect many of the remaining birds will move south," said Martha. For both Whooping crane flocks and indeed all migratory birds, weather rules!