No Go. More Wind, More Fog (+0 Miles)
November 24, 2009: Migration Day 40

Photo: Operation Migration

High winds and fog = Down-Day #3 in Livingston County, Illinois. Low clouds make a ceiling at 200 feet and visibility is only one-quarter mile. But some of the team went to school today. We'll share more about their classroom visit later. For now, dig into some migration question-and-answers below. We share pilot Joe Duff's thoughts on questions you asked about the Nov. 20 flight by the 16 runaway cranes who took off when let out for exercise.

CraneCam will not be LIVE during this particular departure because the pen site is back in a field that is just too muddy to get the camera trailer through. For the handlers to reach the pen it is a mile-long ATV ride across fields covered in standing water from the area's autumn rainfall. The TrikeCam is LIVE each day from 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. and again from 3:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon.

In the Classroom

  • (a) Many people wanted to know: Does Operation Migration really need to lead the cranes south? What if you just let the birds go? Give your thoughts, then see Joe's. (b-for-bonus) Why did the 16 crane-kids stay together that day? Give your thoughts, then see Joe's.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).