Go. Too Windy (+0 Miles)
Today's winds blew away any hope for flying. But that will soon change. Weather for the next two days looks hopeful! For now, it's Down Day #3 in Cumberland County, Illinois. Thinking back, you may remember that trackers and some crates were needed to get three of the birds to this stopover. Imagine you are on the ground crew. What would it be like to get the news that a bird dropped out and you are called into sudden action? You are in unfamiliar territory, far from home. How do you know where to start searching? Will you be in forests? Hills? Flat farm fields? See what it's like in this story: In the Tracking Van With Bev. CraneCam is
live each
day from about 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. and again from 3:30 to 4:30
in the afternoon. TrikeCam is
live during migration flights.