Go. Grounded by Rain (+0 Miles)
More miles and Alabama Stopover #2 will have to wait. Rain began there last night, so the cranes will stay in Franklin County, Alabama today. But when they leave, the public can watch! The departure flyover will be the old airport parking lot of the Russellville Airport, just off Hwy 243, right beside the fuel tanks. Operation Migration's Liz Condie reminds us: "You will want to be on site by 7 a.m. Also remember that you could make the early morning trip for naught it the weather/wind turns out to be unfavorable for a flight tomorrow morning." And here's more fun news from Liz: Departure morning at every county throughout Alabama, the first 100 flyover viewers at each site will receive a gift compliments of Southern Company, one of the terrific sponsors of the migration. CraneCam
is live each day from about 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. and again from 3:30
to 4:30 in the afternoon. TrikeCam
is live during migration flights.