Final Stopover in Wisconsin! (+47 Miles)
October 18, 2010: Migration Day 9

Yessss!! The weather has been good to go two days in a row! Brooke took off with all ten birds — but they didn't stay together. After a long rodeo to get all the birds up and on course, all three pilots landed with birds in Green County, Wisconsin. Female #10 flew today, but male #2 (with the wing abrasion) had to travel in a crate by van to give his wing more time to heal. This is the FINAL Wisconsin stop before they cross the border into the next state! GO CRANES!

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • (a) Look at the migration map and fill in the blank: "They will enter the state of ____ on the next migration flight." (b-for-bonus) With no tailwind to push them along, the pilot's GPS showed a ground speed of 36 - 38 mph. Find the distance in today's headline and estimate how long the birds were in the air today. Why is a tailwind helpful?
  • Keeping Records: Add today's distance to the chart. Now what's the total for miles flown?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).