Grounded Today (+0 Miles)
October 20, 2010: Migration Day 11

The winds are against them today after three days of progress. Settled in their travel pen, the birds will have an easy day. Check the bio pages to hear Pilot Richard's comments about #2 and speedy, crazy, wonderful #6 this week. Meanwhile, this photo shows Richard doing an important migration task. What's your guess? Click for a slideshow that tells the story. Cross your fingers for a travel day tomorrow!

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • Today's Journal Questions: (a) When you travel, what makes a good place to stop for the night? Click on the photo in today's report for a slideshow about setting up the crane-kids' travel pen. You’ll be able to answer the next journal question:
    (b-for-bonus) Why do you think the team has TWO travel pens? (Teacher Guide available for this slideshow.)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).