Penned with Pumpkins (+0 Miles)
October 28, 2010: Migration Day 19

Photo Operation Migration

After this week's wild weather, it's no surprise that strong southwest winds, gusting at times to 21 mph, still keep them down. Today will be the 9th day in Winnebago County, IL. The team tries to keep the young cranes from boredom in their travel enclosure. What do you see in this photo?

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • (a) The team does NOT want the birds to get bored. What might the birds do if they get too bored in such close quarters? What do you do to save yourself from boredom when you need to be inside?
  • (b-for-bonus) The wild cranes migrating between Canada and Texas are about to get a BIG push for their migration. Click here to see why, and get this morning's latest news from Aransas NWR in Texas! Write a paragraph contrasting the effects of this week's weather on the migrations of the Western flock and the Eastern flock.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).