Changing Winds Not Quite Right (+0 Miles)
November 14, 2010: Migration Day 36

Crane chicks in the travel pen.
Photo: Trish Gallagher, Operation Migration

The winds aloft are finally from the north, but too wild for the cranes and planes. It's been nine days on the ground in Piatt County, Illinois, but the winds are swinging around. Hopes are rising. Will weather allow them to depart tomorrow? Everybody is ready and waiting! Stay tuned.

A Contest! You can help the team win a grant for $25,000 to continue helping the cranes! Visit the Pepsi Refresh Challenge website to vote for Operation Migration today. You can vote every day until Dec. 31.

In the Classroom:

Sunday: No school today.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).