Meet the Flock: Get to Know the Cranes
ANSWERS for Craniac Quiz #3

Hatch Year 2011 Answer


1. She has a little brother, a full sibling, in the Class of 2011.


Crane #4-11


2. This younger female isn't too interested in the wild blue yonder, or in leaving the runway even after she takes off. So far, her bigger interest is sticks and roots!

Crane #9-11


3. This male started life as a worrywart, and still wouldn't leave the runway at the end of August. But that changed in September, and now he's one of the birds who consistently follows the trike at take-off.


Crane #3-11


4. How many chicks in the Class of 2011 hatched from eggs laid, but then abandoned, by adults in the new Eastern flock?


Five cranes: #3, #4, #7, #9, #10,

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).