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November 8, 2011: Migration Day 31

Young cranes play with pumpkin in their travel enclosure on migration.

Image: Operation Migration

More strong south winds and an approaching weather cell with the possible thunderstorms blew away hopes of flying. The cranes are grounded for the fourth day in Livingston County, Illinois. Meanwhile, tracker Eva reports that it appears that none of the older cranes in the Eastern Migratory Population had begun their journey south as of last week. The more mature whoopers were still staying close to their summer grounds at Wisconsin's Necedah NWR. Some of the younger ones were doing pre-migration wandering, but keeping within about a 10-mile range of the refuge. The Direct Autumn Release colts are wandering too. As they have been at this time of year since before the dinosaurs, the Western flock is strung along the flyway from northern Canada to Texas. A few already arrived at their winter territory on Aransas NWR on the Gulf Coast of Texas. That makes us wonder how you explain: Why doesn't the team truck the birds on no-fly days? See today's b-for-bonus question below to explore this question.

The TrikeCam broadcasts LIVE each day they fly.

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • (a) Which cranes are in today's photo? The colored leg bands are clues to their identities. What is the latest news on your favorite crane? Go to the Meet the Cranes page and click on your crane to find out.
  • (b-for-bonus) You notice that the team does not choose to truck the birds on no-fly days. It would speed up the progress, so there must be good reasons why they don't. Think about your answer. Then see the discussion: Why Not Truck the Birds on No-fly Days?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).