No Go: Cranes Getting Crabby? (+0 Miles)
November 9, 2011: Migration Day 32

Crane 1 has a bite on his neck from another crane whose tired of the down days!

Image: Operation Migration

The look on Crane #1-11's face says it all: "ANOTHER day of rain and stiff south winds. BORING!" Yes, this is day 5 stuck in Livingston County, IL. But Liz reminds us: "if you'd come looking for us in 2008 on Day 32 you would have found us two stops behind in Winnebago County." Meanwhile, study the photo to discover what happens when cranes get crabby. Then see today's question below!

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • Do you see that spot of ruffled feathers halfway down #1-11's neck? It is where another crane bit him! Brooke joked:" I just knew it was a bad idea to show the chicks the movie "Dracula" on Halloween — but they seemed to be so bored. Seriously, being stuck in a pen for long periods of time can result in unwanted aggression, so we give them pumpkins and corn treats in the hope of avoiding that situation." QUESTION: What do you usually do to keep from getting bored? What mischief tempts you when you are bored?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).