No Go: Why Cold Air is Best (+0 Miles)
November 10, 2011: Migration Day 33

Pilot Richard is dressed for cold air aloft.

Image: Operation Migration

For the sixth day, there's no chance of flying to the next Illinois stopover. Winds from the west blasted in with colder temperatures and dangerous wind speed aloft. Daily weather controls this human-led migration; discover more about colder temperatures with today's questions and lesson.

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

  • (a) Today's photo shows how the pilots dress for cold weather. Describe what you see. Describe what you think you don't see. How do you dress for colder outdoor temperatures?
  • (b-for-bonus) The temperature at camp was a chilly 34 degrees this morning, but with the windchill it felt like 24. Why do you think the pilots and birds prefer flying in colder air? See Joe Duff's answer on Why is Cool Air Best? Then choose a journal question at the bottom of that page.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).