No Go: Steady Rain (+0 Miles)
November 22, 2011: Migration Day 45

Nadia visits training camp and sits in the ultralight plane.

See the story of one student's idea for helping endangered cranes, and how it made a big difference.
Image: Operation Migration

Rain is moving across Piatt County, Illinois, so the cranes and planes cannot fly for the second day in a row. But looking ahead to departure, the team has found a good site for visitors to come watch the flyover when they leave. Think about what makes a good stopover site as you answer today's questions, and enjoy a slideshow about an amazing student craniac.

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

(a) Why is Nadia wearing a costume in today's photo? Why do the pilots and handlers wear costumes when they are near the cranes? After you think about your answer, compare your thoughts to Operation Migration's Heather in this audio clip.
(b-for-bonus) Imagine you are an Operation Migration pilot. Replay all the parts of a take off and a landing in our mind. Then list what you want in a good stopover site. Compary your thoughts to those of pilot Joe Duff: What Makes a Good Stopover Site for an ultralight-led migration?


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).