No Go: Still Waiting (+0 Miles)
November 28, 2011: Migration Day 51

Image: Operation Migration

It is now day 8 in Piatt County, Illinois, thanks to unflyable weather. You've just come back to school from a holiday about eating and giving thanks, so today we dig into crane food. We are grateful to teacher Mary Vethe for sharing her students' recipe for their grand treat of Crane Chow (see classroom section below). Meanwhile, everyone's keeping fingers crossed for a flight tomorrow.

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

(a) The birds have water and crane chow (like pet food, but for cranes) in their pen. What will the cranes eat when they are flying free? For help, go to Questions and also Mrs. Vethe's Crane Chow page!
(b-for-bonus) When they get to Florida, the cranes will be free to come and go from a big predator-proof enclosure where the pilots leave them for their first winter. Why do you think a crane caretaker will still fill up the crane chow feeders every day?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).