No Go: Steady Rain (+0 Miles)
December 4, 2011: Migration Day 57
Image: Operation Migration Trike Cam, December 2, 2011
Winds aloft this morning are in the 50-60 mph range and the wterworks (rain) began shortly after 6 am. The migration will be stalled at least another day in Union County, Kentucky. The weather map above, 14 hours later, shows conditions changing; by tomorrow morning winds will be shifted around to come from the north. But what about the rain? Check back, but keep fingers crossed.
the Classroom: Journal or
It's Sunday: No school, no questions today!
Teachers: If your school is within 30 or 40 miles of the migration route, you are invited to contact educators and Operation Migration volunteers Gordon and Christine to ask about a classroom visit.
North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in
cooperation with the Whooping
Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).