No Go: Water,Water Everywhere (+0 Miles)
December 5, 2011: Migration Day 58

US Weather Map for December 5, 2011.

Image: Operation Migration Trike Cam, December 2, 2011

Heavy rain continues to pour down on the cranes in Union County, KY. In fact, all of western Kentucky and southwest Indiana plus some of southern Illinois and southeast Missouri are under a Flood Watch in effect through late tonight. The cranes and planes aren't the only ones affected. How many consequences of "inclement" weather can you list?

In the Classroom: Journal or Discussion

(a) Have you ever seen birds flying during rain? Try to think of at least 3 reaons why rain is a problem for the young cranes and the ultralights. Review our lesson: Ultralight Pilot's Checklist: Weather or Not?

Why might the rainfall make being grounded easier on the cranes than on the humans? How are cranes adapted for living in a watery habitat? Review our lesson: Adaptations That Help Cranes Survive.

Teachers: If your school is within 30 or 40 miles of the migration route, you are invited to contact educators and Operation Migration volunteers Gordon and Christine to ask about a classroom visit.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).