Week 18: Just One Flight Away (Gone: 1,052 Miles)
February 1, 2016
Weekly Update

All six Whooping cranes (yes, even #2-15!) flew across the state line to Leon County, FLORIDA on January 30. Now just one flight and 23 miles remain to deliver them to St. Marks NWR and their winter home. A test flight January 31 found it too windy aloft to risk the final flight, and it's too windy again today. While this is the latest-ever finish, each weather delay offers the team's pilots and crew—and all the devoted craniacs following this extraordinary adventure—another day to savor views of the young cranes for the last time. Soon they will be released to freedom as the final cohort to be taught their migration route by costumed pilots in tiny yellow airplanes. Will tomorrow bring the finish? Watch for our news flash on the bittersweet day of the final flight. Stay in touch daily at Operation Migration.

Class of 2015 fly with ultralight on migration
Doug Pellerin

map and journal
map | stopovers

Journey North is presented by Annenberg Learner.
Partial funding for this news update has been made possible through Operation Migration by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Company through the Power of Flight Program.