Week Nine: Kentucky Weather Delay (Total Gone: 458 Miles)
November 30, 2015
Weekly Update

After crossing into Kentucky on day 56 (Nov. 24), the team was grounded the rest of the week in rain or wind. Today they're still waiting for a large storm system to pass through Union County, the first of just two stops in this state. The flight to Union County was a grueling two and a half hours, but everyone made it safely. Two more stops remain to the halfway point in Carroll County, Tennessee, and the second half of the migration usually brings smoother sailing and quicker progress due to different weather patterns. Meanwhile, migration is almost complete for most of the Whooping cranes in the Eastern Migratory Population (EMP). A few are still in Wisconsin, including all of this year's DAR cohort except for 64-15, who departed on migration a few days ago. Her signal was last heard as she traveled over Madison, WI, but trackers trackers were unable to locate her due to traffic and snow so her location is unknown. Join us next Monday for our weekly progress summary. Check bio pages for details on each bird, and stay in touch with daily updates and video cams at Operation Migration.

The cranes often honk during flights, like #1-15 in this photo.

Crane #1 honking in flight
Operation Migration

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Journey North is presented by Annenberg Learner.
Partial funding for this news update has been made possible through Operation Migration by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Company through the Power of Flight Program.