Week 12: Hello, Alabama (Total Gone: 707 Miles)
Dec. 21, 2015
Weekly Update

Hooray! On December 15 the young cranes flew 66 miiles to the first of three stops in Alabama. All six stayed with Brooke's aircraft for the distance. On Dec. 18 they attempted a flight to Walker County, but turned back to Winston County after about 45 minutes of struggle in unfriendly winds. There they'll stay until Dec. 28th as the team takes a break for the holidays. May good weather greet them as they take up the challenge to lead the young cranes nearly 500 more miles to their winter home. Until Dec. 28, stay in touch with the crane cam at Operation Migration. Happy Holidays to all!

The cranes and pilot Joe Duff on Dec. 18, trying for Walker County, AL.

Class of 2015 flying with Joe Duff's aircraft on Dec. 18, 2015
Operation Migration

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Journey North is presented by Annenberg Learner.
Partial funding for this news update has been made possible through Operation Migration by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Company through the Power of Flight Program.