Week 13: Back to Work (Total Gone: 707 Miles)
Dec. 28, 2015
Weekly Update

Today the team gathers again in Winston County, Alabama after a week off for the holidays. The holiday break turned out to be a lucky decision. By Dec. 23, the weather was riskier than ever. Upon hearing a forecast of golf ball sized hail, the two team members who stayed with the birds decided it was best to box the birds and move them to a safe, secure building at a nearby airport. They spent most of the night under a tornado watch, in a strong thunderstorm and high winds. As the team reassembles, they hope for good weather to resume the challenge of leading the young cranes through the final 500 miles to their winter home. Until next Monday's progress summary here, stay in touch at Operation Migration.

The cranes enjoy pecking at watermelon while waiting out the weather.

THe Class of 2015 in their travel pen
Operation Migration

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map | stopovers

Journey North is presented by Annenberg Learner.
Partial funding for this news update has been made possible through Operation Migration by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Company through the Power of Flight Program.