Thank You!
Karin Liimatta at The Waterford School
(Sandy, Utah)

Teacher Karin Liimatta and her third grade science students have followed the cranes each year since 2005. "We have migrating Sandhill Cranes here in Utah, but we love the reintroduction project with whoopers and wish we could be closer to see the cranes in action!" Meet Ms. Liimatta's proud and generous third graders and find out what they are doing to help the young cranes reach Florida!
This year we designed buttons to educate others about the cranes and to promote our used cell phone drive that helps to raise money for Operation Migration. This is our used cell phone collection box. Many of the students have started distributing smaller cell phone boxes where their parents work to collect more.
Wearing the buttons in and out of school has given the students a chance to answer questions and explain the project when people ask about their buttons.
We are proud to call ourselves craniacs around here!
Great slogans and great art!
The large group size this year allowed all of my students to select one chick and become that chick's expert. Each student follows the antics, updates, and migration and reports back to the class on what's happening with their chick.