Study: Draw a Life-size Whooping Crane
(Adapted from
ICF Materials. Thank you!)
3rd-grader compares her arm span with a whooper's wingspan.
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the tallest bird in North America? If you said Whooping crane, you're
right! Adult cranes are about 5 feet tall. How tall are you? See
you size up by drawing a life-size crane. You will compare human skeletons
and crane skeletons to figure out what measurements to use to draw
life-size crane. Work as a whole class or in small groups.
you need:
Length of paper 6 feet long
2. Tape measures and rulers
3. Marking pens or pencils
4. Color crayons (assorted colors)
5. Crane skeleton diagram
6. Human skeleton diagram
7. A human volunteer who is about 5 feet tall: the same height as an
adult Whooping crane.
you do:
the skeleton diagrams.
(Decide whether you want them larger. If so, enlarge them on a photocopier.)
Each group needs a set of the diagrams.
the upper arm bones in each skeleton diagram. Color them
red. Color the sternum in each skeleton green. Do this for all the
remainder of the labeled bones, using different colors for each of
the bones. How are the bones on the crane skeleton similar to the
bones on the human skeleton? How are they different? Did anything
surprise you?
your 5-foot-tall volunteer to stand in front of the class.
Place your crane and human skeleton diagrams side by side, aligned
from head to toe. On your human model, measure the distance from the
floor to the top of the pelvis. Write this measurement by the bottom
of the neck on your crane skeleton. This tells you how tall your crane
should be from toes to "shoulders" where its neck begins.
Continue to take measurements from your human model that will help
you know how long to make the crane's foot, ankle, lower leg, knee,
upper arm, elbow, lower arm, and so on.
Next, mark a line at the bottom of your drawing paper for
your life-size crane to stand on. Mark a line 5 feet above
this line to show where the top of your crane's head will be. Then
mark a line to show where the crane's neck will start. Draw your
crane with the help of the other measurements you wrote on your crane
skeleton diagram. (You can draw your crane's wings outstretched or
long beak is about as long as half the length of the crane's neck.
This! Journal Question
- Humans
and cranes have some of the same bones, but they are used for different
purposes. For example, how are the hand bones diffrerent on the
two skeletons? How do people use their hands and how do cranes use
their hands? What other comparisons can you make with other body
Science Education Standards
- Each
plant or animal has different structures that serve different functions
in growth, survival, reproduction.
- Living
systems at all levels of organization demonstrate the complementary
nature of structure and function.