Back Thank You Claire Timm!  

3rd Grade
Maclay School
Tallahassee, FL

"I find such joy each year introducing 60 new third graders to this magnificent bird and the amazing work of Operation Migration! One way I can make a difference is to teach this next generation what it means to care about an endangered species and the work it takes to bring it back from the brink of extinction. I believe that the more children know, the more they understand and the more they understand, the more they will care, and the more they care, the better the world will be!"

Teacher-to-Teacher, from Claire

Ms. Timm and some of her third graders attend an arrival flyover! More

Ms. Tim and third graders at the arrival flyover in Florida.
Who's inside that costume? More An educational presentation about the Whooping cranes that will soon arrive at St. Marks NWR.
This is the event that started it all! More The young Whooping cranes' arrival flyover!

See what the folders hold, and help yourself to page downloads! More

Students work in their Whooping crane folders.
The students made Whooping crane pizza …with all the things a crane will eat! More Kids make a pizza that a Whooping crane would like!
What is she holding? More Holding a replica of a Whooping crane egg.
How tall is a Whooping crane? More A Whooping crane is taller than these third graders!
These students are counting money they raised for a good cause. What is it? More