Teacher Tips for Off to Flight School: Finding Their Wings
Print-and-Fold Instructions
Web "Slide Show" Version of Booklet


You may wish to see video clip/viewing guide: Journey North for Kids: Ground School Training.

Make Predictions: Read the title and ask kids to predict why this crane chick would need to go to flight school. Review what the puppet is called (see Who Am I? Imprinting .pdf or Web "slide show" version). Ask kids to predict what role the puppet might play at flight school. Ask: What does "Finding Their Wings" mean?

Compare and Contrast: What changes do you notice in the cranes as they grow?
Make Inferences: Why is the crane shipping crate so tall and narrow? (The birds are shipped standing up but their long, fast-growing legs are fragile. The boxes have limited space so there's less chance of chicks being jostled or hurt. Each chick gets a body x-ray while still inside its crate after arriving at the refuge in Wisconsin to make sure it hasn't been hurt during travel.)
Make Connections: Do you need (or appreciate) time to adjust when changes happen in your life?
New arrivals! Photo WCEP.

Video: Joe Explains: Why Three Cohorts?
Watch It Now


Hear From the Experts: Explore the Web archives. Starters:

•Meet Robo-Crane.
•Why three cohorts in some years? View Video Clip for Joe's answer.
Hey, Baby! First Lessons (audio clip by Dan Sprague)
• Why the electric fence around the chicks' enclosure? (Hear audio clip by Ranger Jennifer Rabuck as she talks about crane predators.)
• Learn more about chicks' early growth. See Weighing In.

Critical Thinking: Discuss:What facts do you need to know to figure out the average age at which the ultralight chicks are moved from Maryland to Wisconsin?
Math: Figure out the average age of shipping from the captive breeding center in Maryland (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center) to Wisconsin for the three oldest chicks and the three youngest chicks) of the current Hatch Year. See Meet the Flock for necessary facts.
In-depth Lesson: How Birds Fly
Journal: See questions at the end of Hey, Baby! First Lessons
or at the end of the Ground School Training.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).