News from Observation Post #12
Depoe Bay, Oregon, United States

Morris Grover, Director of the Whale Watching Center in Depoe Bay, Oregon, sends news:

March 21-28 was Spring Whale Watch Week here. We are seeing good numbers of gray whales traveling past the Oregon coast right now. Peak numbers are the last week of March and (a second peak) the last week of April, with about 6 whales an hour passing Oregon!

Feb. 17: Good news! We have seen our first 2 Gray whales heading north from the center in Depoe Bay. For Oregon, it has begun!

Feb. 4: We had reports of 2 whales headed north but we did not observe this and don't feel confident listing them as northbound. We will keep watching and see what we can confirm. We are still seeing Gray whales migrating south (4 so far this morning, 21 yesterday)

January: We did see 823 southbound whales from the center during January. Our numbers are higher than usual because the weather was better than usual.



Depoe Bay, Oregon
(44.84N, -123.95W)

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