Why Are the Migrations So Different?
A Look at North America's Climate

How was it possible, we asked, for Rufous hummingbirds to be in Alaska when Rubythroats were still clustered in the southern United States?

New Jersey students Stephen, Shawn, Nick L, and Zooraze knew climate and habitat must be important. "The different types of hummingbirds probably have different needs and climates at different times," they suspected.

Most people are surprised when they look closely at North America's climate patterns. Let's compare the climate where both hummingbird species are migrating right now. Notice that some parts of Alaska are warmer than parts of the lower 48 U.S. states!

These temperature maps show the forecasts for the week ahead. Compare the temperatures in the areas where rufous and ruby-throated hummingbirds have now returned.

 Where will Alaska be warmer than the lower 48 U.S. states next week?
Journey North Gardens show patterns of plant growth in North America

Hummingbirds don’t drink from tulips, of course, but notice the pattern of plant growth in North America in the springtime, as shown on the Journey North tulip garden map. Tulips have already emerged in Gustavus, Alaska (59 N), according to students there. Meanwhile, students in northern Minnesota (47 N) and Michigan (46 N) are still waiting.



As the migrations move forward, plan to watch how temperature and migration are related for both hummingbird species.