Weather and Hummingbird Migration
Focus on Fallout

Riddle: What Happened on April 6, 2008?

First, read these quotes

  • Bird bander Bob Sargent described it as the “second largest fallout day” he had ever witnessed in Fort Morgan, Alabama.

  • Journey North's Weather and Songbird Migration expert David Aborn says that birders saw the "first major fallout of the spring."

  • Journey North's hummingbird project manager said "observers submitted a whopping 31 reports of ruby-throated hummingbird sightings."

  • Another birdwatcher said this: "A cold wind blowing in your face should certainly make you want to stay where you are for a few days and make use of a good local food supply before moving on."

Next, look at these weather maps from April 6, 2008.

This map shows a cold front sweeping across the country.
This map shows areas of heavy precipitation.


  • Based on this information, explain what you think happened that day. What do you think the term "fallout" means?

  • What do you wonder about this type of event?

What happened next?
The southerly winds that followed the storms helped hummers and other birds move north again. That's why so many new reports came in this past week from states like Tennessee, North Carolina, and Indiana. Keep your eyes on the coming week's weather: The East is in for another cold front. How do you think it will affect hummers?