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Teaching Suggestions
Analyzing Hummingbird Migration Data

Here are some ways you can use the migration data:

1. View daily sightings in the database.
Study the list of sightings and the maps.

2. Record the dates hummingbirds have been reported.
What patterns do you see? Based on these sightings, can you identify waves of migrants moving in certain directions?

3. Discuss or journal:
How do the 2 hummingbird species' migrations compare? Use the journal page for your data analysis.

4. Discuss or journal:
Which ruby-throated hummingbirds do you think might have CROSSED the Gulf of Mexico? Which do you think might have flown AROUND the Gulf of Mexico? Where do you suspect hummers may have over-wintered this year?

5. Discuss or journal:
What can you say about the temperatures in those states where hummers were spotted in late February? In March? What are the daily high, low and average temperatures in these states now?

6. Collect daily weather maps.
Pay careful attention to temperatures and weather conditions in those regions where hummers have already appeared.

7. Predict how far north rufous and ruby-throated hummingbirds will have traveled each week.
Make a list of the states and provinces which you think hummingbirds will have reached by then.

data analysis handout
Journal Page