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A Writer's Quest for Details

Sensory Details
What can you see? hear, smell, feel?

In this space, encourage students to write descriptive phrases using sensory details after studying specific photos. What can you see?
What sounds might you hear? Odors you might smell? Textures you'd feel?

  • Glimmering, green feathers soft to the touch
  • Red throat feathers
  • Long smooth beak
  • Tubular, red fragrant flowers

Collect phrases that use words that begin with the same letter.

In this space, have students write descriptive phrases using words that begin with the same letter.

  • Whir of wings as the hummingbird hovers
  • Feeding on flowers filled with natural nectar
  • Resting in roosts
  • Flurry of flight

If a hummingbird could talk....

In this space, have students imagine what a hummingbird would say...

  • My long beak probes flowers filled with sweet nectar.
  • When daylight gets shorter, I must feed dawn to dusk so that I am ready to migrate south. I must double my weight to fuel the long journey to my wintering grounds.

Similies and Metaphors
The hummer's beak reminds me of... It's wings in flight are like....

In this space, invite students to make comparisons by writing similes and metaphors that describe a hummingbird or its physical characteristics or behavior.

  • When hovering, the wings are like a blurry out-of-focus snapshot.
  • Hummingbirds are like flying jewels glittering in sunlight.