Words (adjectives):
Make a list of words used to describe hummingbirds and their behaviors.
What new words would you use to describe them?
Meaning from Photos: Have students carefully observe Slide
2 before reading the text. Ask, What do you see? What do you
think the hummingbird is about to do? What questions do you have?
Thinking. Discuss: Why do hummingbirds need to eat
so often? (Hint: They are so small and their metabolic rates
are so high, that they use up food energy very quickly.)
Author’s Purpose: Why do you think the author
used the words "fuel" and "engine" in the title?
Why does she talk about "gassing up"? How is a hummingbird
like a car?
(Hint: In order to run and function, cars burn [consume] the fuel
gasoline in their engines. Hummingbirds — and people —
consume and burn food energy to power our bodies and keep them healthy.)
Make a chart listing the possible advantages and disadvantages
of going into a state of torpor. |