A Surprising Hummingbird Recapture
Rubythroat "Rushes" from Canada to Texas

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Review these reading strategies before diving into the slideshow with students. Select those that fit with your teaching goals and grade level.

BEFORE Watching/Reading the Slideshow

Make Predictions/Activate Prior Knowledge: Ask, What do you think ruby-throated hummingbirds do in the fall? How do you think scientists know about where they travel?

Activate Prior Knowledge: Have students make KWL charts. The first two columns should list what students know and want to know about hummingbird banding and migration. (After watching the slideshow, students can fill in what they learned.)

DURING the Slideshow

Describe What You See: After students look closely at the photo on page 1, ask them to describe the hummer to a partner. Have them imagine they are "painting a picture" with words for someone who hasn't seen a bird like this.

Discuss: Why do you think so few tagged hummingbirds are recaptured? List some reasons.

Author's Purpose: Have students look at the map on page 2 (the map) and read the caption. Ask, Why do you think the author uses the word "funnel"?

Think Critically: On the last page, after students roll their mouse over the picture, ask, Why do you think the male rubythroat's color changes before they become adults? (Hint: Think about these roles of male birds during the breeding season: defending territories from predators and attracting mates.)

AFTER the Slideshow: Extending Learning

Creative Thinking/Shifting Perspective: Ask students to re-tell the story from the hummingbird's point of view. They can tell it verbally, in writing, or in drawings. Also have them give the hummingbird a name based on what they know about him and his adventure.

Procedural Writing/Sequencing: Write "How to Band a Hummingbird" on the board or chart paper. Ask students to fill in a chart with 2 column headings: Tools You Need and Things You Do. Ask them to fill in both columns. The second list should be chronological.

Think Critically: Ask, Why do you think the hummingbird's trip might have been so speedy? List factors that could have affected it. (This could include winds and other weather factors, the bird's health, and so on.)

In-Depth Information (Hummingbird Banding)