Hudson Bay at Rankin Inlet
Nunavut, Canada
(Back to Journey North Ice-out Contest)

Predict This Year's Ice-out Date for Hudson Bay at Rankin Inlet!

  • Write your prediction on this "Contact Us" form. We'll send news this spring when Hudson Bay becomes ice-free at Rankin Inlet and we'll announce the contest winners.

About This Site
Our official reporters at this observation post are students at Leo Ussak Elementary School on the shores of Hudson Bay in Canada's Arctic. Nunavut is Canada's newest territory. Can you find Nunavut on your school map? (If not, why not?)

Rankin Inlet is a town of around 2000 people. Many elders were born on the land in skin tents and igloos. The school is named after Leo Ussak, an elder for the community. Rankin The blizzards start at the end of October, and the snow starts melting in early May. In 1999, the ice on the last of the lakes left on approximately June 18th. Most rivers were out by June 4th, and Hudson Bay (Rankin Inlet) finally broke up and floated out to sea July 1st!

Kenny wrote, "Here in Rankin Inlet in February the weather is averaging about minus 10 to minus 35 every day. Sometimes it gets colder but that's what it's usually around. You might think different than me but I think this is a little too cold for most people. During summer the weather is not bad. It actually gets hot here. Three years ago we were the hottest in the North. It went up to +60 degrees here in Rankin."