Spying on Nestlings:
Nest Cams! How would you like to peek into the nest of a robin, a bluebird, or even a rare Resplendent Quetzal from Costa Rica? You can do that, right here on your computer, thanks to nest cams. Some people set up tiny cameras or videocameras inside a nest. The cameras keep track of everything the birds do. It's easier to spy on the open nest of a robin than into a deep, dark cavity or bird box, but some clever people have even solved that problem. This page gives links to all kinds of nest cams:
How do nest cams work? Karin Nanos and her students set up a surveillance camera at a robin nest near their school. Here's how they did it: At Monteverde, in Costa Rica, nest cam photos are shot in the dark nest box using infrared light. See how they do it:
Where can I find nest cams on the Internet?